Our History
How It All BeganMessage From Our Past President

Linnette Bonner- Davis
On a recent trip to the Caribbean island of Jamaica, a returning resident reflected on a long ago dream of building a medical clinic in a poor community – Bunkers Hill, Clarendon, Jamaica – 120 miles from Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Linnette Bonner- Davis, a graduate of Clarendon College, Clarendon, Jamaica, class of ‘79 got her 1st job at the nearest small community hospital – 20 long miles journey away from home. It was at that facility the dream was born, after seeing the challenges of the patients, the struggles to get access or transportation to seek medical help. This was compounded by complexity traveling for basic needs and/or chronic conditions such as hypertension. In some cases, patients had to walk to the nearest facility with limited medical staff.
From that experience, Linnette envisioned making a difference in her community. Today, this vision is taking shape with donation of an acre of land and in 2006 the Jamaican government gave clearance to break ground. With the strong backing of supporters, family, and friends, we take yearly trips to build the Bunkers Hill Community Center brick by brick.
The yearly mission has included construction workers, doctors, nurses, and others who graciously give a hand; donate their time and talents to keep this project moving forward. Linnette is excited and overwhelmed to see this vision being realized with the help of God. This small farming community will soon have a medical facility that will serve the people. Linnette’s unquenchable passion to serve is clearly at work.